Mes découvertes culinaires

Best Branding Award for Brasserie Dunham
Beer labels from Brasserie Dunham.
Beer labels from Brasserie Dunham.

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Every Friday, I get to host Breakaway on CBC Radio One. It is broadcasted across Quebec. I started work as a journalist for CBC in 2012 and began hosting in 2016, the ultimate career goal I had set for myself and one that I am very proud of.

Now, as a food columnist,  I always bring a little foodstuff along with me when I host. It gives me the opportunity to showcase the work of artisans from across the province that I appreciate. Unfortunately, not all interviews aired make it to the CBC website, so I share these conversations here on my personal website, like this one with Simon Bossé, artistic director of the Brasserie Dunham.

Simon Bossé’s work in making Brasserie Dunham’s branding is a true artistic success. It is now common in Quebec for breweries to work with artists to create unique and original labels, but Simon’s work with Brasserie Dunham paved the way. Dunham Brewery is among the first in the province to have signed the work of illustrators from around the world to create their beer labels.

Last week, the Canadian Brewer’s Choice Awards recognized Brasserie Dunham with a Best Branding award.

Simon Bossé says he is surprised by this recognition stemming from breweries outside Quebec.

Here is our conversation originally aired on CBC in February, 2024.


Moi, c'est Allison !

Épicurieuse de profession, mais surtout par passion, j’informe, divertis et accompagne les mangeurs dans la découverte de plaisirs gourmands.

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C’est la façon la plus simple d’avoir accès à mes découvertes les plus récentes.

Moi, c'est Allison !

Épicurieuse de profession, mais surtout par passion, j’informe, divertis et accompagne les mangeurs dans la découverte de plaisirs gourmands.

Abonnez-vous à mon infolettre

C’est la façon la plus simple d’avoir accès à mes découvertes les plus récentes.



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